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Notes on Picking Pin Tumbler Locks > 온라인상담 | Book Bridge


Notes on Picking Pin Tumbler Locks

페이지 정보

24-06-15 15:47 


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The Y1 keyway is one of the toughest you are likely to encounter in real lock installations in the US. It says: "Non-shatterable. 3000 pounds per square inch." And I now can hit this thing real hard! Now, the present is the only real time. You should always know which pin you're working on at any given time. After the Industrial Revolution, billiard tables were installed in these rooms so clients could pass their time during these horse races. For those unfortunate neo-anti-Luddites who refuse to acknowledge the value of anything not available on the Web, I suggest, at a minimum, reading the MIT Guide to Lockpicking, which, while not perfect, has the virtue of being free (and readily available online). Now release torque and start over, taking care to pick all the pin stacks with spool/mushroom pins while leaving at least one regular pin stack unset (this will require a light touch and good sensitivity).

The basic skills of pin tumbler lock picking include selecting the proper tools, manipulating pins through the keyway, applying torque, and recognizing the state of each pin. However, some tubular cylinders (e.g. the Ace-II lock and the tubular models of American-brand padlocks) are made to very tight tolerances and use mushroom, spool, and serrated security pins. This keyway is a bit more "open" (it's intended to allow several different key profiles to fit in it), and so requires the use of a larger pick than the Arrow AR1 keyway does. In billiards every stroke requires thought of the question of strength; even a safety miss may easily be altogether defeated in its object if played too hard or too soft. Golf is the most nervous game yet invented, what is billiards because most of the success of the game is a question of strength; it is an interesting question to ask. Experience is nothing in putting; it is everything for the rest in the game. In the one case experience begets fear, in the other confidence. But in this case the putting of both these distinguished players was never "up"; they failed where nearly every player who is "off" his putting fails; they were short.

In conclusion, understanding the rules of billiards is essential for players of all levels. The most common failing of such players is that they hit too hard; an easy stroke is one which will be succeeded by another easy stroke if the proper strength is applied, but the striker is afraid of missing the stroke and hits too hardy and the balls are scattered and the break lost. When playing billiards, the goal is to hit the white cue ball so that it hits the other two balls one after another. It is advisable that nobody should stand behind a man's club when he hits the ball, but even this, I feel convinced, a man can get accustomed to, if he will only apply his mind to it. To prove how much nerve is the first, second, and third necessity in putting, you may take a man of thirty years old who has been and perhaps still is a good cricketer, and has a good eye for games generally. I very much doubt whether any player in England could truthfully say that all distances were alike to him, that he played equally well or equally badly at a shot that wanted a 180-yards knock or a thirty.

The lofted fifty yards shot is perhaps the most difficult shot in golf, and what does the nervous golfer do in most cases? He either cuts it too fine and is very short in the attempt to lay it dead, or else, frightened of the bunker that lies so dangerously near to him, he determines to get over at all risks and overruns the green by forty or fifty yards. But when you are fifty yards from the hole, and a bunker yawning between you and it, or when you have to lay an approach putt of twenty yards more or less dead to win or halve a hole, then the question of nerve becomes everything, because strength is everything. Set such a man on a putting-green with a putter and three or four balls, and he will very likely putt as well as the best professional; ask him to drive or play a brassey and he will be nowhere. To be two yards beyond is far better than to be two yards short, for in the first place you give the ball a chance of holing, and in the second place it relieves the eye somewhat to turn round and putt along a different line.



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