
How To Loose Weight In A Healthy Way

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24-05-03 12:24 


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There are many diets these days that will promise you to loose a lot weight fast and without much effort. While it is possible to loose 5 Kg in 1 week, it is definitely not very healthy and the likelihood to keep this weight off isn't very high.

The best way to loose weight and keep it off is to loose it in a slow pace with a healthy diet and exercise.

To loose 0.5 kilograms of body fat, one has to burn 3500 extra calories. To show how much calories that is you have to first understand how many calories you burn every day. The specific amount of calories a person burns per day depends on 4 factors, which are the weight, height, age and activity level of this person. Someone who is very active can easily burn up to 1000 calories more per day than someone who is sitting all day at work.

The minimum amount of calories a woman should consume is 1200, this is the lowest number and Theanex kapseln it isn't very healthy to consume that less calories. While consuming 1200 calories you won't be able to eat much. An apple has already between 50-80 calories while a hamburger can easily have about 500 calories.

Therefore, the healthiest way is to calculate how many calories you need and take this number minus 500. This way you will be able to burn 3500 extra calories every week and so loose ½ kilogram every week.

If this isn't, fast enough for you than there's always the possibility to add exercise to this diet.

With burning another 3500 calories with exercise, you can increase your weight loss to 1 kilogram per week, which is the maximum of weight you should loose per week as any higher amount than this isn't healthy and you will probably gain it back very fast. To burn this amount of calories with exercise u have to work out about 7 hours per week as in most sports you are able to burn about 500 calories per hour. This goes for sports such as running, tennis, in-line skating and other demanding exercises.

To work out 7 hours a week you can divide it into 4 works out of each 105 minutes (1 hour and 45 minutes) or you can simply work out every day for one hour.

By following a healthy-low-calorie, diet and working out you will not only reduce your weight but also boost your energy levels, build up muscles and simply feel much fitter and more confident.

It's a change of lifestyle that will help you to become the best person you can be and that you deserve to be!

Read also about mango diet, lose weight and reduce extra fat.


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